In just a few days we begin two very special events with our International award winning wildlife and aerial photographer, Laurie Rubin.
Drone Seminar
On Wednesday, October 12 at 1:00pm you'll have an opportunity to learn more about the world of drone photography. Let your creativity soar with a flying camera that can certainly change your perspective.
Get a whole new perspective on the world with drone photography.
We will lift off from the SMU-in-Plano campus - we've got clearance from air traffic control and are ready to learn more about the regulations and requirements for legally and safely operating an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV).
Tuition: $45
[More Information & Registration]
Call of the Wild Workshop
Want some great safari animal shots but don’t want to spend weeks on an airplane flying to the remote reaches of Africa. Experience the next best thing to actually being on an African Photo Safari! Join us on a thrilling workshop with the international award-winning photographer Laurie Rubin at the world-renowned Fossil Rim Wildlife Sanctuary in Glen Rose Texas.
Sign up with a friend!
Beginning Thursday, October 13, Laurie Rubin, Tony Corbell and Rob Hull will be hosting a very special and intimate workshop on wild animal photography. The workshop includes two private custom tours of Fossil Rim Wildlife Park - one early in the day and one in the late afternoon. Once you capture these great images you'll head back to our classroom in Glen Rose and learn how to edit these images from the experts.
Our activities are all based at the delightful Inn on the River in Glen Rose. It is a perfect and tranquil spot for our workshop. In the evening, join us by the fireplace on the back porch overlooking the Paluxy River and enjoy a glass of wine. A guitar or two has been known to pop up there too, and it's perfect weather for smores.
Tuition: $795
[More Information & Registration]
Support for these programs provided by our Education Partner, Arlington Camera