May 20 - 22
Dallas / Fort Worth
[More Info / Registration]
Window light in a hotel lobby. Learn to find great lighting for portraits.
The camera you use - no matter the model - is a pretty impressive piece of technology. But they all share one significant feature. None of them can improve the quality of your picture. If you aim a camera at a poorly lit subject, you get a poorly lit photograph.
Move your photography from the "ho hum" to the stunning. Learn to find great existing light. And if you can't find it, learn how to create it.
Corbell Photographic Workshops present Location Lighting, a weekend retreat workshop that will help you become proficient in on-location photographic lighting. We'll begin our intensive hands-on weekend at 6:00pm, Friday, May 20. You'll learn all about the most important ingredient in photography; light.
During the weekend you'll learn how to find great light - the type of light that is kind to your subjects and makes them look their best. You'll learn to supplement existing light with flash - on the camera and off. Master the use of light modifiers to shape and mold the light. All this with your own equipment.
Your instructors for the weekend are Tony Corbell and Rob Hull. Together they bring an incredible resume of educational experience having taught tens of thousands of aspiring and professional photographers. Most importantly, we have fun in the process.