Survey & FAQ

Welcome to The Photographic Craftsman. Thank you for registering for this exciting 2025 Texas School class.

In this class, I want to help you become an expert who blends an artist’s skill with a technician's expertise. I don't focus on one genre of photography; instead, you will learn about the fundamental elements of photography, which you can apply to any genre. You'll learn how to see and understand light, never miss an exposure again, and think like a photographer.

Come with no preconceived notion of what you think you will learn this year; rather, bring an open mind and be open to thinking differently, trying things you might not think will work, and trying things you might feel beneath your level of expertise. Students who reach back a little have an easier time reaching forward. And, of course, we will reach forward.

I need your help to prepare for the class. Please take a moment to complete a brief survey. This will help me ensure that my prepared material will meet your needs. It will also ensure that I have the appropriate equipment available for your use.

  • See Frequently Asked Questions below the survey.

What do I need to bring to class?

The Photographic Craftsman is a hands-on class. You should bring your camera, a lens typically used for portraits and a flash. You do NOT need to bring studio lights. We will have all the equipment necessary for setting up a small studio. (You do not need to purchase any new equipment for the class. If you don’t have a flash, don’t buy one.)

Do I need to bring a laptop?

This is not considered a computer-based class, so we will not use them in the classroom. You will, however, want to have a computer to download and edit images you captured during the class.

What about taking notes in class?

The classroom may have a limited number of power outlets so don’t plan on having power at your table. We are planning on having a Charging Station set up at one table so you can charge your phone or tablets.

What should I wear to class?

Bring a sweater. We have little control of the thermostat, which swings between the Equatorial Rainforest and the Siberian Tundra. Lamenting our fate does no good. Instead, be prepared, adapt and flourish.

Should I bring anything else?

Our classroom does not have a lot of power outlets. What we do have will be mostly filled with our projector, computers, and lights. Plan on running on battery power. If you need power, bring an extension cord. We will try to have a table with some outlets so you can charge up your phone or computer.

Is there a Facebook group?

Yes. You can find the group by searching HullTXSchool. I encourage you to join the group and visit with some of the other folks in the class. Please note however, the official communication will come to you via email.

What Not To Bring

  • Coffee Maker or other appliances. The hotel has asked that no coffee makers or other appliances be used in any of the meeting rooms. We do respect their wishes.