Slow Down & Look Around

All too often we hurriedly rush about with an agenda of things we need to do and see. This is not the way to truly appreciate where you are. 

Slow down.  Don’t be in such a hurry.  Take time to explore the world around you and you’ll discover all kinds of interesting sights.  When you do this you’ll be able to capture some truly remarkable images.

I have shared some images that I shot with people who were on the same tour and their reaction is “Wow, where did you shoot that?”  It was the ceiling in the church in which they just spent an hour inside.

If you stay on Mont Saint Michel, you get to explore the centuries old coblestone streets long before the throng of tourists descend on the island. 

If you stay on Mont Saint Michel, you get to explore the centuries old coblestone streets long before the throng of tourists descend on the island. 

Relax and take your time to explore your surroundings.  This doesn’t mean you have to have the camera up to your eye the whole time but when you find yourself in a fascinating place, have a seat and spend time just taking in what’s around you. 

If you spend the night on Mont Saint Michel you can take advantage of the truly mystical evening tours of the Abey. 

If you spend the night on Mont Saint Michel you can take advantage of the truly mystical evening tours of the Abey. 

When planning a trip to Normandy, France, many people told us to get to Mont Saint-Michel early and get out before all the tourist crowded the island.  But I knew that it was a special place so instead, I booked a room for two nights – on the Mont.  I could have stayed even longer.  While many people were fleeing the scene we were able to discover sights and sounds and capture images that are truly special.