Studio Lighting

One Light Fun

One Light Fun

Cinematographers have often shown that it is the shadows that are as important, if not more important than the light in creating a mood, feel, evoking an emotion or setting the scene.  For decades we have had great examples in art and cinema of a strong single-directional light from a window in a beautiful portrait, a streetlamp in an old black and white movie, and many of the most well known photographs of all time. 

So, Are YOU On the Edge of Turning Professional?

So, Are YOU On the Edge of Turning Professional?

First, determine why you are going pro. Statistics show there is still a significant percentage of new business owners that just don't make it much past their first year. So, prepare yourself and understand one very large and important element; YOU CANNOT DO THIS ALONE.  I know you may want to, but trust me, the support, education, knowledge and troubleshooting of others either currently in the same position or having gone through it are invaluable to the new photographer. Local and regional photographic groups and associations or Professional Photographers are vital to your success.