It's a New Year and We Are Ready For It!

Tony here and along with my partner in crime, Rob Hull we wish everyone a Happy New Year. We also owe a few "thanks you's" out there. First, thank you fro reading our weekly blog posts and for all of the nice emails, texts, messages and responses we receive. Also, for all of the Re-tweeting, which truly does help us get this seen by so many more people.

In addition, we owe a huge thanks to all of our workshop attendees for this past year. With one exception, we had full or almost full workshops and the evaluations have all been stellar. We do have a few things to work on to improve and we will. But for now, we seem to be doing things the way you like in our workshops.  Our Ireland workshop for next July sold out so fast we added a second week. It sold out too...well, I think there are two seats left perhaps... 

I offer a big congratulations to Rob Hull for receiving the Master of Photography degree at Imaging USA in San Antonio. He is also receiving the Photographic Craftsman degree on the same night...(such an over-achiever..). Way to go Rob.  The hard work and long study paid off, my friend. Couldn't be happier for you. I can't be there with him to celebrate because I am teaching in London at the exact same time. Let's face it, photo education is what it is about for us both...

Speaking of Rob, here is a little video from him on one of our recent workshops as he worked with 10-Stop ND filters to change the affect of water.  We are working on creating a set of educational videos and this is the first draft of the first video. Enjoy and watch for more fun things to come this year.