Photo Industry

Copyright CASE Act Update

Copyright CASE Act Update

In Congress today is a bill that has now been passed into committee. The bill is H.R.3945 and its short title is the “Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforcement Act of 2017” or the “CASE Act of 2017”. What’s refreshing about this bill is that it enjoys bipartisan support. Of seven cosponsors of the bill, three are Republican and four are Democrats. And, they hail from all parts of the country, from Rhode Island to Georgia, to Texas and California.

Change is Coming: Relax, It's a Good Thing

Change is Coming: Relax, It's a Good Thing

We are into the busy “announcement season” for the photography industry. This week is the start of PhotoPlus Expo at the Javits Convention Center in New York. In the run-up to this show, we’ve seen vendors announce new products and updates to entrenched classics.

It really is a time of change and for some, that can be a stressful time. Personally, I find the new products and features quite exhilarating. But, you don’t have to browse social media very long to realize that not everyone shares my enthusiasm.

Goals for the Emerging Professional Photographer

Goals for the Emerging Professional Photographer

Funny thing about our wonderful craft of photography. Once you begin mastering the camera and light techniques, along with a strong dose of composition and creating impact, you have to find a way to determine your future use of this craft. What do you want to do with this knowledge and your photographic ability?