What to Bring

On our website is a generic checklist for travel workshops but below are a few other comments specific to this workshop.  

Takakkaw Falls
Water from the Waputik Icefield tumbles over 1,000 feet into the valley in Yoho National Park.

Polarizing Filter - A polarizing filter is a must for landscape photography, especially around rivers and waterfalls and on cloudy damp days. We’ll cover the when and why to use it in the workshop. If you don’t own a polarizing filter then consider this. Buy a Polarizing filter to fit the largest diameter lens in your bag. Then, buy step-down rings so that you can also use them on smaller lenses. Saves a lot of money this way.

Neutral Density Filter - Neutral Density filters come in a variety of flavors. For the workshop, we’re going to be talking about ND filters that block 3, 6, or even 10 stops of light. What we’re trying to do is slow the shutter speed down. This is not a critical filter to have in your bag, but I do think you’ll love what they can deliver. I’d really recommend having at least a 3-stop ND - better yet, a 10-stop ND is awesome.

Lens cloth to wipe moisture - I like to use a chamois-type cloth. This works great when you’re near a raging river or waterfall and you need to keep the lens elements dry and clean. 

Good hiking shoes - We aren’t planning on any real strenuous hikes but a lot of the areas we’ll be exploring are uneven, rocky, wet, etc. Good hiking shoes or boots are great to have.

Raincoat - It might rain. For that matter, it might even snow. That won’t stop us. 

Layer for warmth - After a blistering hot summer you may have forgotten how to pack for colder weather. Plan on it being chilly. Mornings will be close to freezing and the afternoons flirt with 60° temperatures. Perfect weather for hot cocoa.